What is a late-talker?

A mother and toddler looking up at hot air balloons, while the mother uses speech therapy strategies she learned with her child's speech therapist, modeling words to help her toddler learn to speak

Toddlers referred to as “Late-Talkers” typically have the following characteristics:

  • Aged between 12-30 months

  • Comprehension of language is within developmental expectations

  • Follows simple directions (i.e., “get your shoes, throw the ball, come here”)

  • Points to / looks at named items (i.e., “Point to the ball”)

  • Has typically developing play skills

  • Has a limited repertoire of spoken words and expressive vocabulary

Research tells us that Late-Talkers (also known as having "Late Language Emergence”) may be at risk for future difficulties in the areas of language, literacy, cognition, and development of speech-processing skills. This is why it’s extremely important to address concerns early-on in a toddler’s lifespan.

How can I help my child learn to speak?

It takes a village to raise a child. As a parent, you may ask yourself “What can I do for my child now?” For a few examples of activities that you can use to set up language opportunities with your toddler, please refer to our blog: 5 Language-Stimulating Activities for Late-Talking Toddlers.

You may also be curious about healthy screen time for your child’s age range. In this blog series, we outline crucial factors to consider in this ever-changing technological world that can be impactful for toddlers and late-talkers.

Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) are professionals who are trained to screen and evaluate toddlers in speech and language development, to determine whether your child may fall under the category ‘late-talker,’ or may need additional testing in order to determine factors impacting speech and language development. The earlier that you can have your child seen by a specialist, the higher the odds of positive outcomes for your child’s speech and language development in their early and most significant language-developing stages.

When should I reach out to a Speech Therapist?

As soon as you have concerns.

A Speech Language Pathologist (aka, Speech Therapist) can offer guidance about whether your child is developing at their own pace, and answer questions about whether they may benefit from support. A free Speech Therapy consultation can save a parent hours of frantic googling, posting to parent Facebook groups, and asking relatives for their personal opinions.

If seen by an SLP, a toddler will first be assessed, and then tracked for the level of progress in speech and language development they make over time. They will be monitored for any ongoing concerns, in order to catch any indicators early-on, offer parents and caregivers ways that they can set up opportunities to strengthen areas of challenge for their child, and prevent challenges from becoming more significant issues in the future.

We see children at the convenience of your own home or at their daycare or preschool. To learn more about Speech Therapy strategies, speak to a licensed and certified Speech Language Pathologist by booking a speech therapy consultation now.

Additional Resources:





Capone Singleton, N. (2018). Late talkers: Why the wait-and-see approach is outdated. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 65(1), 13-29.