4 Free Apps for Motor Speech Practice
*Before considering the use of applications for practice, check out my blog on Healthy Screen Time.
Below I have outlined four of my favorite FREE apps I find helpful for use with children who show signs of CAS, or have motor planning deficits.
I highlight the ways that a parent or Speech Language Pathologist can use these to enhance your child’s speech opportunities at home, or within your Speech Therapy sessions, as a tool for targeting motor planning goals. I hope you find them helpful!
1. Apraxia Therapy Lite
⇨ Simple to complex syllable practice within 3 categories of practice including: sequences, phrases, and long words
⇨ Uses functional words and phrases common in everyday routines such as greetings and days of the week
⇨ Real-life video examples of mouth movements for each target
⇨ Offers phases for each target, to track the amount of support needed including listen, tap, together, fade out, alone
⇨ Offers self rating (poor, ok, great) and documenting your progressing through self reports
2. SmallTalk Letters,Number,Color
⇨ Great visual support in addition to mirrors or clinician models
⇨ Real-life video examples of mouth movements
⇨ Use as stimuli for simple and complex consonant-vowel sequences
⇨ Target identification of letter names/sounds and graphemes for phonemic awareness activities
3. SmallTalk Phonemes - Lingraphica
⇨ Videos of sounds produced for almost all phonemes and vowel shapes (except some R shapes)
⇨ Great visual support in addition to mirrors or clinician models
⇨ Real-life video examples of mouth movements
⇨ Use as stimuli for simple and complex consonant-vowel sequences
Please note, the above applications are available on most iPad tablets. They have not been tested on Android devices.